3 Great Prospects at 30 And Thoughts on Coaching Changes

imagesNews is that Jerry Montgomery the co-defensive coordinator from Oklahoma university is coming to Green Bay. I have said all along they needed to get Capers an assistant from a good college that knows how to defend the read options since most teams in the NFL are running it now. The Packers have had trouble defending it with QB’s such as Kaepernick, Wilson, Newton, etc.
I’m not saying get rid of Capers because he is the best defensive mind in the business but times change and even a great coach like him needs new ideas on how to defend the college schemes teams are executing now. I think Montgomery will fill that void this team has been missing and the defense will be the better for it.

Speaking of the defense we all know that ILB is high on the list in the draft and there are 3 players at the top of the list people are talking about.

1. Benardrick McKinney-6’5″ 245 lbs. from Mississippi State stands at the top of the list by most Denzel Perrymanscouts but in reality he probably won’t fall to the Packers and will most likely go in the top 20

2. Denzel Perryman-6’0″ 242 lbs. from Miami could be there at 30 but I for one would rather see them take this next guy.

3. Eric Kendricks-6’0″ 230lbs. from UCLA is the most well rounded ILB of the 3 in my opinion. He is a player that loves to hit he has speed to fill gaps on run plays and athletic enough to cover in pass plays. If he drops to 30 in the first round I sure hope the Packers take this young man.

There are a few more names that are worth mentioning that could be considered if none of these are there when the Pack picks and those are, Ramik Wilson, Georgia, Stephone Anthony, Clemson. and Hayes Pullard, USC, anyone of these guys could be good picks so the Packers do have some great options in the draft this year.

Lets not forget Barrington was stepping up his game and Bradford has yet to be seen. He may take that next step this year and be a force in the middle as well.

OK Packernation…who would you vote for?

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3 Great Prospects at 30 And Thoughts on Coaching Changes
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2 thoughts on “3 Great Prospects at 30 And Thoughts on Coaching Changes

  • February 11, 2015 at 11:05 pm

    Usually agree with you Jeff but not on Capers. He is as much responsible for the Packers losing to Seattle as Slocum. His defense has consistently let us down in the playoffs.

  • February 11, 2015 at 11:49 pm

    I agree Ron he was a big part of it but Dom is a brilliant defensive coach I just feel he is not up to speed with the new read option as I stated but maybe Montgomery can fill that gap and between the two of them this defense will excel.


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