3 Teams That Scare Me Going Into The Second Half

Well the Packers go back to work soon, with an admirable record of 5-3 but a bit of a momentum Aaron Rodgers Statsloss against the Saints. Looking forward, there are three teams that really worry me. Three teams that are a big threat to the Packers’ success.

The first one might surprise you:

1. The Packers

Yeah, the Packers scare me. This is a team that is capable of great things but when opposing teams take away it’s identity (great offense and ball-hawking, opportunistic defense) they get beat…plain and simple. Is it just me or does it seem like all opposing defenses have to do is minimize Jordy Nelson’s impact and no matter how successful the other players are…we lose the game.

Aaron Rodgers is as good as it gets in the league. But he (and McCarthy) should know that teams are gonna double-team Jordy…we should have an answer. Eddie Lacy had a great game against the Saints, but we still couldn’t win. The Packers seem to “show up” for some games and not for others. It pains me to say it but I don’t think I am alone in Packernation wondering which team is gonna show up each week…The Trick or the Treat (yes, shameless Halloween reference).

2. The Lions

While I don’t expect the Lions to run the table, it is very telling that they have stormed back to win inLions helmet two consecutive games without the help of Calvin Johnson. I don’t expect the Packers to run the table either. At this point, the Lions could make things less interesting than once expected in that last game of the season. Packers could be playing for seeding.

I know that the Packers can win from any position in the playoffs, but seeing the Lions take homefield throughout would be a very unhappy thing IMHO. The Packers, who have owned the Lions for so many years, simply got jobbed in September in Detroit. While we are all used to the Lions self-destructing, and they have shown that they can put together some pretty bad first halves of football…I expect an uptick when Megatron takes the field healthy.

3. The New Orleans Saints

After beating the crud outta the Packers, the Saints turned around and beat the Panthers the following30123_PL_Saints_2 Thursday…that is not easy. The Saints have lost four but are now on top of their division so they have plenty to play for. The second half of the season could see the Cowboys drop a couple, maybe the Lions implode, even (heaven forbid) the Packers lose more ground. The Saints are in position to make a push. Their schedule isn’t easy, facing the 49’ers and the Ravens, but with Jimmy Graham getting healthy and an always dangerous Drew Brees, the Saints could continue to be hot down the stretch.


If the Packers can maintain their identity, they can beat any team out there…including the AFC powerhouse teams (Broncos, Chargers, Ravens) but if they continue to falter, whether it be under the big lights or against the better teams, Packernation will still be biting its fingernails each time they take the field.

The Packers can to some extent control their own destiny as they are right in the race not just for the playoffs but for solid seeding in the playoffs. They have to go through some good teams (like the Eagles who are also tough) but if they can get/stay healthy and find ways to win games where defenses take away our offensive weapons, they can get the job done.

The second half of the season ought to be a thriller.


3 Teams That Scare Me Going Into The Second Half
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6 thoughts on “3 Teams That Scare Me Going Into The Second Half

  • October 31, 2014 at 4:35 pm

    I think this team is capable of going 7-1 or 6-2 in the second half of the season but it will depend on the coaching in my opinion. While I do believe Capers is a great defensive coach he has not evolved with the times and just can’t stop these new option playing teams for whatever reason he don’t call the right defense when it needs to be called. Maybe they need to hire a assistant from a good college since that is where these new option plays are mostly run.I think Rex Ryan will lose his HC job after this year and what I would like to see is the TT go after him for the DC job. I think with him as the DC this team could make leaps and bounds on defense next year. There is way to much talent on this team to be in last place for run defense. Also I think TT needs to go after some big guys in the draft. This new smaller and faster works well against the pass but they need big body’s on the line to plug gaps for the run.

    With all that said if they can play as a unit for the remainder of the year this team has what it takes to be a contender but if not it will be hard to go into the post season with any hope of winning against the elite teams.

    • October 31, 2014 at 6:43 pm

      We need to go after Rex he’s a really good DC. Capers hasn’t done anything for our defense. Okay you went after JP, but our D is the same. We can’t stop the run game. Our upfront guys are big, but can’t run. Not to mention the tackle is off three big tackles that cost us this last game.

  • October 31, 2014 at 4:49 pm

    I think the reason we had a blowout in the 2nd half in NO is that Aaron pulled up lame straining his hammy. We were close till he lost his ability to run the play action. His only run was that straright forward TD and he really wasn’t running that fast when you watch it. I think if he had stayed healthy in that game it would have been a lot closer.

    • October 31, 2014 at 6:37 pm

      I disagree I believe we got blown out because of our defense. They were horrible. Example Ha Ha missed 3 big tackles that cost us.

    • October 31, 2014 at 10:07 pm

      I will agree Rodgers was a little off target once he got hurt but I dont think thats what cost the game. The defense gave up 500 yards is what cost the game. They could not stop the run which opened up the play action for Brees and when you give a elite QB that option he will pick you apart and he did.

  • October 31, 2014 at 6:32 pm

    I believe both defense and offense needs to show up. It seems like the Elite teams we can not beat. We lost to a good losing team that says alot. I called it a 12 4 season two of those loses to Seahawks and maybe NO. I didn’t expect we would get blown away by the Saints. Any who let’s hope they adjust and come out strong in this second half. Ps. Rex Ryan might be in need of a job next season..


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