Should Haters Be Banned?

Wow! I just posted about some folks on the Facebook fanpage that were droppin’ insults. I didn’t know largeforwebhow big of a response it would get! Since this issue seems to be important to Packernation, we are going to do it up right.

The Question

The question arose after a post about Jared Allen and how his coming to the Bears may or may not make the Bears somehow able to contend with the Packers…something they have not been able to do basically since the 80’s…ha! I don’t think Jared Allen is a be-all, end-all solution to the Bears defensive problems (which are many) and I posted about it because I think the news media is giving too much credit to a guy who is a good player coming to a team that needs a LOT of work.

Anyway…several people (obviously fans of other teams) commented that the Packers suck…That got under my craw. The Packers suck? What? We suck because…

  1. We have more championships than any team in NFL history (suck on that…Vikings fans who have ZERO)
  2. The coach whose name is on the Super Bowl trophy was our coach and is only ONE great coach that motivated our team (Curly Lambeau anyone?)
  3. We have basically RULED our division since…like, 1993
  4. We have been led by quarterbacks Bart Starr, Brett Favre, and Aaron Rodgers

The Situation

1961 Packers ChampionshipSo the situation is this…people really responded to the question “Should we ban trolls and haters from the fanpage” to such an extent that…well…I couldn’t keep up. So we are opening up a poll to track the question and find out what Packernation wants us to do with Haters and Trolls. You are creating policy for Packernation!!!

Who better than the fans to determine whether we should cut these guys loose or let them try to smack champions with their stupid stick ad infinitum? So that’s it…YOU will decide. Vote below to tell us what you want us to do.

I will say this however….if we vote to ban them…I will post with their names and a “BANNED” stamp behind their name…OK, OK, I am getting sadistic now. Vote below:

[poll id=”20″]

Thank you for your input…and GO PACK!!!

Should Haters Be Banned?
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4 thoughts on “Should Haters Be Banned?

  • June 20, 2014 at 11:30 pm

    I would only ban those comments that are rude and obnoxious. Legitimate comments made in a respectful manner should be printed.

  • June 21, 2014 at 1:50 am

    I agree Ban only if they are rude beyond reason but sarcasm and banter makes for good reading..they know our team is the best in the division and it eats at them..

  • August 4, 2014 at 3:37 am

    Constructive comments including dissenting views should be allowed. Just because someone has a contrary opinion does NOT make them a ‘Hater’! It’s called a Democracy!

  • February 4, 2015 at 2:20 am

    I love my Packers always have and always will. It all started with my girlfriends grandfather over 20 years ago who was a die hard Packer fan. He had a room full of Green Bay paraphernalia and I loved going to her house to hear his stories and he idolized Bart Starr. He got me hooked and I never have looked back. Go Packers I’m with you until the day I die. Superbowl 2015 is waiting for you.


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