Well Brett Favre announced on his official website that he will be returning to the Packers in 2015 for induction into the Packers Hall of Fame and to have his jersey retired. By all counts this appears to be the … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Brett Favre
Well Packernation, it appears that our hopes of a Fan/Favre reunion have once again been dashed. Word came out today from the NFL Network that the Packers are NOT planning to retire Brett Favre’s jersey this coming season…and the reason…the … Continue reading
Well last night Aaron Rodgers was named number 11 of the top 100 players in the league by the players themselves. Out…of the…top ten??? Suffice it to say that the ONLY reason Aaron wasn’t in the top five was because … Continue reading
Some Clarifications Well yesterday we polled Packernation as to whether we should ban people who dropped “Packers suck” comments onto the Facebook fanpage, and then smugly disappeared into the ether of the web. The response was OFF THE HOOK! However, … Continue reading
Wow! I just posted about some folks on the Facebook fanpage that were droppin’ insults. I didn’t know how big of a response it would get! Since this issue seems to be important to Packernation, we are going to do … Continue reading