Free Agency Part I: Which FA’s Should the Packers PURSUE

Justin HoustonAs always, free agency is a big part of constructing next year’s team. Who to sign, who to let walk, how to balance cap space against team needs and who can we replace in the draft. Ted Thompson is not a big mover in free agency and looks to sign his players first. The reasoning behind this is that you know your players much better than you know players from another team, which makes you more likely to be able to predict their work ethic and how they will perform under a big new contract. 

However, TT did sign Julius Peppers this past offseason and he made a big difference to our defense, becoming a team captain for the post-season. Will Ted sign anyone this offseason? Well, there are definitely some interesting names out there. In this first part of a three part series, we ask Packernation who the Packers should pursue if they hit the open market.

So what do you think? Which of the following free agents (some of which may not actually become Julius Peppers 2014 Training Campavailable) should the Packers pursue? Or do you have somebody else in mind…maybe you think the none of these guys is worth pursuing…if so just click “OTHER”. Make as many selections as you like below and see how your choices stack up against others in Packernation.

The Packers should pursue:

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Free Agency Part I: Which FA’s Should the Packers PURSUE — 17 Comments

  1. I heard Suh wanted to be a raider.
    Dez may be the best WR but no thanks.
    I like the Houston idea. JPP is how old? My final vote was between Revis and Thomas.. I chose Thomas because he’s probably better than J Finley was and while our young TE’s played admirably, I’m not sure if they are game changers.
    Revis is a close 2nd, heck he tried Tampa once so maybe he doesn’t care where he plays. Little scared on his age catching up, but with Tramon fading or maybe going, Revis would look amazing regardless.

  2. Wishful thinking. Everyone knows Ted Thompson doesn’t sign free agents not drafted by the Packers… well. Once in a blue moon.

  3. Thomas sounds like a good option but he can’t block and we need protection around the pocket.

    We don’t need dez when we have the best receiving core in the league, depth-wise.

    Suh won’t get signed because of how he’s played against the pack in the past #stompnation

    Best options are Houston and Revis but i have a hunch that NE will pay the $20M to keep Revis.

  4. They should take a look at team players the fit with what are packers are doing revis and Thomas deff are good fit we need a couple inside linebackers due or two another rob behind lacy who can be more of threat when in the game besides starks thought they should of used Harris a bit more who knows whatted will do

  5. We need to grow a pair and finish a game like we want it.. Tramont is a lousy cab and shields is merely adequate. More dB’s like haha Clinton dix

  6. I would honestly be pissed if we go after Suh in any way. He is far too dirty and doesn’t deserve to wear the uniform. Other than that, I would be happy to add anybody on that list to the roster.

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