GPN Poll: Yes or No?

A Federal judge in northern Virginia has ordered the cancellation of the Washington Redskins’ download (1)trademark. The trademark has been controversial and in the opinion of many native Americans, demeaning. Several teams have come under criticism for their trademarks for similar reasons. Though there are still appeals to be heard and the possibility of the trademark enduring at the state level, this case could be ground-breaking and have far-reaching consequences.

So what do you think, Packernation…

GPN Poll: Yes or No?
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2 thoughts on “GPN Poll: Yes or No?

  • July 8, 2015 at 2:30 pm

    Well, if they are going to take that away, they might as well take away the children’s movie Pocahontas or any other movies that have Native Americans in it, just as they have done with the Dukes of Hazzard because of the confederate flag on the Legendary General Lee… This world is going to crap… I’m sorry about this little rant, but I needed to just say it for once…

  • July 9, 2015 at 1:12 pm

    If they start with one tesm then go after ALL teams, MLB. NBA college down to kindergarten. This is ridiculous!


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