R&R: Rants and Raves by Jeff

lombardi 1Packers fans will feel the sting of this loss for the entire off-season. But sometimes, you have to look at things from a different angle to gain perspective. I was heart broken like everyone else last night and wanted all the coaching staff to be fired, but putting it in perspective, it was a great season for the most part and I feel blessed to be a Packers fan.


You would think with a loss I would have a ton but the players actually did a very good job this game right up to the end. Coach McCarthy needs to open his playbook and rip out all the pages that have prevent in them playing not to lose seems to have bad results.

This defense had the Hawks shutout for 30 minutes by playing aggressive football but came out for the second half with a new game plan “Prevent” and we all see how it worked out.

Mike McCarthy Contract ExtensionI wanted all coaching staff fired last night but in reality there is only one that deserves it actually and that’s the special teams coach Shawn Slocum. This has been a weakness all year for the team and Slocum has not figured out how to repair the issues so maybe it’s time to find someone that can.

I know Bostick is feeling bad as he should because he did not do his job. If he had, then he would have blocked the guy who recovered the onside kick and let Nelson catch the ball instead. That would have essentially ended the game as the Packers could have run out the clock to win but it did not work out that way.

Also, did anyone notice Matthews went out of the game towards the end? It was said he hurt his leg but he stood on the sideline to watch the end of the game! If his leg was hurt that bad why was he not on the bench getting it worked on? Aaron Rodgers played 3 games with a torn calf because he knew how important these game were but Matthews could not finish a very important game that was almost over with his injured leg! Sorry but the man just showed me he is not as tough as people make him out to be!


The players have nothing to be ashamed of they played awesome football this game and did exactly what the coaches asked them to do even if it was the wrong game plan.

This was a great year with the exception of a few games where they let some easy wins slip away but they proved they are a team that can beat anyone.

The defense held the super bowl champs to 0 points for 30 minutes and that alone was a great accomplishment. I for one think if Capers or McCarthy which ever made the call to change the game plan to prevent defense the second half would have kept them on a all attack defense for the last 30 minutes they would have come away with the win.

The offense proved they could move the ball this game and even though the red zone scoring was not what we all would have liked they did do enough to win the game. Again it was just bad play calling that cost them the win. I don’t have the answer to why McCarthy gets soft when big games are on the line but his play calling has issues that need to be looked into.

Capers call on 3rd and 19 to rush 3 players was the turning point in the game in my opinion. If he sends the house along with the kitchen sink to make Wilson either try to run for the first down or make a fast pass for it, I do not believe they make it and the packers force a 4th down try or a punt which could have been the dagger. As I said prevent does not work out too well, especially against good teams. Play to win instead of playing not to lose!

Well the season is over and it feels like it was way too short but now the management has a lot of work to do getting some personnel issues straightened out. I believe they need to get Cobb signed to a contract first and foremost along with a few others that will be free agents this year. In my opinion, AJ Hawk may have played his last game with the Packers. Brad Jones made one good play this game but it still does not make up for the year he had and he needs to be let go. Sam Barrington should be the ILB for next year and if Bradford has not progressed into his side-kick then they need to go after one in the draft this year.

Ok I have released a little frustration but I still feel sick about this game. But I also know this team Americas Packwill come back next year and I will be excited to root for the team I love, And above all, I hope I have achieved some much needed “Perspective”.

Enjoy the off-season and see ya all next year.

Go Pack Go!



R&R: Rants and Raves by Jeff — 33 Comments

  1. Really good article Jeff! I also noticed the same thing you did about Clay Mathews. Get in the game, this is an important time. He had this smile on his face with 5 minutes to go that told me he already thought that Green Bay was going to the super bowl. Well we all know how that turned out. Mike McCarthy doesn’t even realize it maybe, but it’s easy to get too careful in the situation he was in. He like all of us needs to take a hard look inside and realize what actually happened to his play calling! Only he knows what he really was thinking! Thanks for the encouraging words Jeff. I grew up in Wisconsin in the 60’s. Todd Sandow

  2. i was also deeply disappointed but as I look over a year of broken records every game and well played football – I am reminded of why I am a Packers fan – I love these guys and I know we would have won the Super Bowl!! Keep most of these guys together and weed out the ones who continually mess up and add some strength where needed – we will come back stronger than ever!! FYI – it has been stated that the only reason they did the fake punt was because Brad Jones was in the mix – time to take him out for good!

    • yes, i read that comment also. and if he lined up on the opposite side, the pass would have went to the tight end. his tendecy was to rush inside…every time. if seattle saw that, why didn’t special teams coach see that? they watch the same film

  3. It was a great game and the pack should be playing Feb.1st Seahawks didt even show up till the last 5 min.I’m heartbroken I love my packers can’t wait till next year I know we will go then GO PACK GO

  4. Great article. The Prevent defense never worked for the Raiders and I am completely baffled by our 2nd half game plan. It feels like a nightmare but I will always stay true the Pack.

  5. Great Article, I was also deeply disappointed but there is always next season. Green Bay played an excellent game it’s just that the Sea hawks finally figured out how to play football. My husband and I Love our packers and always will…
    Basically if Green Bay got the ball first in Overtime they would have won!!!! But it is what it is.
    Cheering for the Patriots in the Super Bowl

  6. You obviously don’t live in the land of the Seachickens or it would take longer for you to get over the loss of the game. It is all I will hear about for the next year. I’m deeply, deeply disappointed in the team BUT win, lose, or draw they are MY TEAM and I love ‘em no matter what!

  7. McCarthy played scared from the 1st drive. I believe Lombardi would have gone for it, that early in the game you have little to lose, you are going to have to beat us on Every play!


  9. Great article and I too agree that Clay should have been in the game. Just look at how Richard Sherman weathered his injury and played with heart. (Get tough Matthews!) I am seriously tired of the media and the fans laying all the blame on one play and one young man. There were a number of missed opportunities in the Packer’s loss to Seattle. One man shouldn’t have to shoulder the blame.

    • Totally agree Pam Bosticks play is just one of many mistakes made in the last 10 minutes of the game that led to their demise but as I stated in my article I believe it was the prevent football that the coaches called for in the second half that really lost this one! Hopefully McCarthy can learn from this and start playing aggressive football for 60 minutes no matter how big of a lead they have. I dont care if the score is 60-0 and 2 minutes left if they got the ball try to score!

      • I totally agree, look at some of the scores earlier in the season when the Packers won by over 30 pts. They played to win the entire game and didn’t play prevent. It worked then, why not do it when it really counts?

  10. Good article. I feel the same way – I let out some frustration, but I still feel sick about this game. It is not enough to say – “oh well there is always next year”. That is what Cub Fans do.

    There are some easy issues that can be fixed – new Special Teams coach, get rid of Brad Jones, fix the close to goal line game plan. I am concerned that there are other issues that may be harder to fix – the conservative nature of McCarthy in big games. After all You are looking at a coach that won his division 4 years in a row. I am concerned we are wasting the talents of a top notch QB. BTW – Rodgers should have taken more responsibility for the loss. “I was off in the beginning of the game which hurt our ability to capitalize on some opportunities”.

  11. Why would you change a game plan that worked so well in the first half? The Packers (McCarthy & Capers) became too conservative (once again) and were afraid to give up the big play. Well, guess what…. When the Seahawks bring 8 men to the line, you want to run the ball up the middle? How about a 5 yard pass to Jordy that will probably net you a 15 to 20 yard gain! If McCarthy can’t develop an aggressive approach to coaching, then he needs to go. The first half proves he is capable of doing it.
    Win or Lose, I still love the Pack!

  12. I am a Packer fan living in the Twin Cities, and the similarity of the Packers to the ViQueens in the last quarter was, unfortunately, remarkable.

    A few criticisms: 1. McCarthy’s decision to kick field goals early was very ViQueenish; 2. Why didn’t the Packers attack Sherman’s side in the second half…he was obviously playing with only one arm; 3. Very ViQueenish defense on the 2 point conversion in the last minutes, embarassing; 4. Very ViQueenish play on the onside kick, embarassing; 5. totally agree with criticism of Matthews standing on the sideline, embarassing. I certainly expected more from my Packers than this. The ViQueen fans are used to this kind of play, but I really am not. I hope we can get it right next year.

  13. I do not like that people are getting down on Bostick. Actually, special teams should have stepped back and let the ball go, not touch it, so they would have had it for sure. If the ball is coming right at you, wouldn’t you try to catch it. And if all the other bad plays and calls were not made before this play, it wouldn’t have mattered. I think the team as a whole should be pointed at for this loss.

  14. Thanks Jeff. Had all the same thoughts at the same time. Still heartbroken and from Maine and listening to pats fans tell me they were rooting GB makes it a little better. Nonetheless We have strong team and will be back. GO PACK GO 4EVER

  15. Played a great game, but was disappointed in the interception at the end of the game that we made and then went to the ground like we had won the game. He had open field in front of him and that would have given the packers better field position. Although with the play calling we had in the second half it probably wouldn’t have mattered!!

    • burnett made the right play. why chance fumbling or getting the ball knocked out? we do, after all have a pretty damn good QB. MM’s play calling in the 2nd half lost this one. And Capers prevent defense worked….it prevented us from winning. I have always defended Capers as i love what you can do with a 3-4 defense, but he has done this time and time again. I think it really is time for him to go. MM has to do a lot of soul searching and change his stubborn attitude of not changing his game plan . the dagger is going to be in my heart all off season. BTW, i am 60 and have been a Packer fan all my life. went through all those losing seasons. don’t ever want to go back there

  16. well written article and so true should have kept pounding them like they did the first 30 min. Especially a power team like Seattle. Go figure almost like it was set up to go that way for ratings

  17. Very good Jeff,
    I feel it too! It has to get better from here on out and Aaron has to instill killer instinct in his team.
    He is what makes this team go, it’s his team and he has a great supporting cast around him but they have to go for the kill like their Super Bowl year.
    Hey it was a great year to be a packer fan.
    I see us winning the next two Super Bowls because this team will be hungry.
    No let downs next I gtd. The coaching staff will not take anything for grante. Raji comes back next and I’d the packers keep barrington in the middle we should be fine. Everything else should fall into place.
    Now, Aaron it is up to you.!
    I love the Packers! Go Pack Go!

  18. …and remember, we’ll get Jared Abbrederis back in the receiving Corp,….someone who Aaron and the whole coach staff was REALLY excited about, under he ended up on the IR in training camp, and along with the emergence of Davante Adams and TE Richard Rodgers, and a hopefully re signed Randall Cobb, should make for a great set of weapons added to Nelson!


  20. I watched the same game as everyone else. All of Packers Nation knows this was more about a total collapse by the Packers in all 3 phases of the game, than a great comeback for the Seahawks. And that’s why it hurts so much. Apparently it’ll hurt much longer for some of us than others. I’ll be hurting until we win another SB, and this should have been our year. We had the talent and avoided the devastating injuries of the past.

    The football Gods do not reward conservative play.
    When you cut your “superior” team off at the knees with conservative play calling, you’ve evened up the teams by taking away your greatest strengths. Odds are that it will come back to bite you, as it did in this game.

    Congrats to the Seahawks for giving it their best shot for the entire game. Congrats to Carroll for once again out-coaching McCarthy to the end of the game.

    To imply in any way that this loss was not the fault of McCarthy, is simply not understanding the NFL game. The bigger the situation, the more he struggles to call the offense. He becomes predictable and overly conservative. Once again he puts Cobb in the backfield in goal line situations. He’s now 0-2 in that situation. McCarthy said in his post game interview that he doesn’t question his play calling. He said he called runs on the last 2 drives to hit “targets” which he felt were important. You know what’s important Mike? Picking up 1st downs at the end of games to protect your lead, and scoring as many points as you possibly can – and playing to your strengths for an entire game. The fact that McCarthy does not question his play calling proves to me that he’s incapable of improving. You can’t improve upon what you refuse to acknowledge.

    There was no point in being conservative in this game. When Rodgers needed a game tying FG, he drove right down to FG range. Seattle was in their base D for that entire drive. Had he called the game this way all along, the Packers easily blow out the Seahawks. But with all 3 time outs and a chance to put the game away, McCarthy went back to being overly conservative, settling for the 48 yard FG.

    3rd and 19 and we go prevent with 3 pass rushers. Wilson had 7.7 seconds to find a wide open receiver for the 1st down. I’d love to see a stat about how many times that’s been successful for us, vs how many times it’s bit us in the butt. Has it ever worked in our favor? No S help over the top on the game winning TD, when only a TD stops us from getting a chance to score in OT. Capers started out strong. But for the last 5 mins of regulation and OT, he may as well have gone home. He played a big role in our lead, and a big role in our giving the game away.

    Burnett makes a huge INT and then goes to the ground with an open field in front of him, rather than trying to get in FG range or score a TD. He’d been playing better lately, but sure blew that one. He has no situation awareness. I think that was the start of our collapse. If he gets anywhere near FG range, McCarthy must try to get there and stay there for a game clinching FG. But it’s very possible that McCarthy would have still screwed that up too.

    Slocum didn’t stress to his ST players before a meaningless Hawks FG, that they are famous for trick plays, and keep several players back to protect against a TD or 1st down. He can yell at Bostick all he wants, but Slocum was one big reason that Bostick was in that situation. I feel sorry for Bostick. He went with his instincts and make a mistake. But that one mistake is not what cost us the game. It was one of many mistakes which created a perfect storm.

    I’m sick and tired of mediocrity from such a talented team. Division titles mean little to me, I want championships. I won’t be confident in our SB chances until McCarthy, Capers, and Slocum are no longer representing the Packers. Our players and fans have been let down in the playoffs by terrible coaching decisions for the last 4 years. Helluva long time until kickoff next year. Oh yea, go Pack go.

    • Let’s not forget Daniels’ (I think) taunting penalty that took the ball from the 5 to the 20. I believe that was a very critical play and set the tone for our red zone play.

    • David it was almost like they threw the game on purpose because they out played the Hawks for 56 minutes then just turned it of for what ever reason. Matthews sitting on the sidelines watching the last two scores and as you stated no safety over the top on OT made no sense at all I don’t like to think it but it was like they were suppose to lose for whatever reason!

      • Jeff, it did resemble a WWF event where one guy beats the favorite up for most of the match, only to have the favorite bounce back and win at the end. I’m not into conspiracy theories, but this game surely provided ample fuel for those who are.

  21. Good article Jeff! We cannot be happy with dumb plays,dumb players and insubordination. Bostick needs to go, Brad Jones needs to go. Both did not follow instructions and it cost the Packers 2 touchdowns in the NFC Championship! There has to be accountability or the entire organization falls apart. Slocum needs to go also. To allow slip shod mistakes is unacceptable. Capers needs to go or be put in a corner and told to shut up. The defense has been bad ever since the SB year. There has been big time collapses. Coincidentally that is also when Kevin Greene went. We need a sense of urgency and commitment that Capers does not inspire.

  22. I am sad and disappointed by the the Packer loss to Seattle, but I’m relieved the season is over so we do not have to watch Aaron risk further damage to his injured calf. I want him back to normal for a winning 2015-16 season! Thanks for trying so hard in spite of the pain, Aaron! You are our MVP` and # 1 Packer among many great players of this season!

  23. I am sad and disappointed by the the Packer loss to Seattle, but I’m relieved the season is over so we do not have to watch Aaron risk further damage to his injured calf. I want him back to normal for a winning 2015-16 season! Thanks for trying so hard in spite of the pain, Aaron! You are our MVP` and # 1 Packer among many great players of this season!

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