Who Will Be The Packers Toughest Opponent In 2015?

Eddy Lacy brings the thunder.

Eddy Lacy brings the thunder.

The Packers opponents…recently set by the league constitute the Packers next shot at going the distance, righting wrongs…and beating the Seahawks. But the Pack also has to play the Niners, Cardinals and Cowboys again next year. Will the Bears be re-tooled into a contender and will the Lions be the same kind of force they were this year? Who do you think will be the toughest challenge for the Packers next season? 


Who will be the Packers biggest challenge in 2015?

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Who Will Be The Packers Toughest Opponent In 2015? — 15 Comments

    • Really? You can’t spell Lacy when it says it in the article pic.?

      The entire NFC West will be tough again, and they each have good to great defenses! The Lions will be a tough challenge again if they keep their D intact from this past season. Anytime you travel out west and get off your time zone and rhythm it makes things more difficult as well. Should be a tough season again, but honestly still think the Packers have the best team out there when they are healthy and avoid costly mistakes. GO PACK GO!

  1. If McCarthy did not learn from his mistake this last game it will be a long season for our team I’m afraid…The schedule is mostly made up of teams that play aggressive football for 60 minutes and the Pack or I should say the coaches have not figured out how to play that way for whatever reason! So if MM stays stubborn in his ways I hate to say it but the Pack could be a sub 500 team this year! Now if McCarthy can swallow his pride and coach the way the top teams do they could be another team to make a run for the big one…Time will tell but if McCarthys past tells us anything it is he will not change his ways even though they are good enough to beat mediocre teams he will lose the big games again :(

  2. I think if they canned Dom CApers our chances would be even more likely to bring home again…..a lot of talent on defense to have such a one hit wonder in Dom himself.

  3. Been a packer fan for 55years. Loved the late 60’s and Bret Farve years. Pack is really good with Rodgers at Q.B. Defense needs to get better and offense needs to go balls to wall for 60 minutes. Coaches need to be aggressive the hole game. Defense no 3 man rushes play defense for 60 minutes no prevent defense, that loses way to many games. When you get the other team down keep pounding them!!! Go pack.

  4. On paper, the Packers are poised to go deep in to the playoffs barring a slew of injuries and a healthy Rodgers. So I say based on the Seahawks game, the Packers’ most challenging obstructing opponent will be themselves.

  5. Coaching! Coaching! The issue is McCarthy! Not aggressive enough! He is going to destroy a great group of young talent. I think sitting on the one yard line twice and kicking the ball is crazy. Real great teams keep coming at you..we can’t beat anyone that is aggressive. The worst defeat this life long fan has ever been a part of. We did not put the good teams away when we need to. Still love the Pack..his comment loved coaching this group..so what! what is he getting paid to do..MvP quarter back and can’t take it to the house. Pathetic..

  6. Leading up to the Seattle game I said McCarthy lacks killer instinct for a head coach. And while Ha-Ha is good he is no Woodson yet, being a rookie also the prevent D is awful. I figured all would end up being a factor in this game and biting us in the ass. So imagine my surprise at how well the team was playing for most of the game. Then 4th and inches and not going for it? Worst case you pinned em deep. Right? McCarthy’s conservative style hurt us on offense and he has to know it.But I was ok because defense was killing them. Capers game plan was awesome until the D went into prevent. Pressure on Wilson was working. Then on the plays 3rd and long, 4th and long he rushes 3 and gives Wilson all day.In the end it was what I feared. Ha-Ha who was having a big game blew it on the two point conversion. McCarthy’s conservative play calling and prevent D doomed the Packers. That is all there is to say. Such a shame.

  7. The hardest team next season in my eyes is not in our division it’s not in another division, it’s not even a team from anywhere, it’s ourselves. We have got to watch ourselves because and I’ll use seattle; we beat them in the championship game. We beat them pretty good but we sabotaged the game because like a salesman, we didn’t know how to seal the deal. I turned my phone of for 3 days and stayed in my room for 2 after the seattle game ashamed of what just transpired. I’ve had a chance to see my packers in 4 superbowls in my lifetime and win 2 of them. Greatest feeling next to having my kids. I want that feeling back damnit, and I want to crush seattle and there so called fans. I live to brag about our green and gold and I can’t stand losing especially against those cocky seahawks and having to deal with there fans. Just one more… it doest need to be the superbowl it just had to be seattle. Cheese head for life!!!

  8. It’s time to stop blaming and start supporting our team for the 2015 season. I don’t think any of us on this post have never made a mistake and I can bet we have all fallen flat at sometime when it really mattered. I’m sure these guys are beating themselves up enough, we don’t need to add to the pain. True fans support they don’t tear down their team. Let’s support these awesome Packers so they will bring OUR Lombardi home next year!! FO PACK

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