Will He Or Won’t He?

Aaron RodgersSo everybody in Packernation has been wondering today…”Will Aaron Rodgers practice.” Well the jury is in and you may be surprised. From the second Aaron pulled up on the touchdown pass to Randall Cobb and the gutsy performance that followed, we’ve wanted to know at what price the Lions win came.

Well today for the first time since that game, Aaron practiced! Not only that, he took 50%-60% of the snaps during this practice. This is great news for Packers fans (such as myself) who thought he might be limited for the Cowboys game. He is still listed as limited, but if evaluation tomorrow goes well that may change to probable. This is great news!

If Aaron Rodgers has all of his mobility and can move without endangering that calf muscle, the timethreat to the Cowboys increases. How many times have we seen Aaron scramble for 8+ yards and a first down when the opposing defense has the receivers locked up. And how accurate is this guy on the run? It is phenomenal to watch him go to work on a rollout.

But what say you Packernation? This good news is…well, GREAT NEWS!

Go Pack!


Will He Or Won’t He? — 13 Comments

  1. You guys are the best!! I’m hoping for the best this Sunday. I don’t want to see him injure himself any worse. HUGE fan of the pack and of Aaron Rogers as both a player and a person. I want to see them win another trophy for title town, just not at Arron’s expense. #IBLEEDCHEESE

  2. Married to a Dallas Fan and need to prove we are the better team. Let’s Go Pack Go! In Wisconsin ..we better win or I will never hear the end of it .

  3. I love the Packers . I want another championship , but not at Rodgers expense . He is our future . I’ve been a fan since the 1960’s . The Green Bay Packers are the best team , best organization , with the best fans in all the N.F.L.

  4. The news of Aaron Rogers playnig and practicing is awesome.
    This coming Sundays game will be a true game of WHO wants the win more. Who ever’s team involves everyone on the team to mix it up, to lift that team to victory will win.

  5. BESTEST NEWS THIS WEEK…IT’s always the team, but come on, they play better with they’re leader,”THe MAN” AAaron DODGERs… Lovethe Pack, been bleeding green and gold for 50 years and far from done..Cannot wait to see the Cowboys go down on Sunday. Go-PACK-GO

  6. Glad to hear the good news about A.R… and I hope the Packers win! I’m a true Green Bay fan since childhood and I can’t wait for them to shut these hyped Dallas fans up! #PackersNation #CheeseHead

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