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Apr 24


jonax Posted by: jonax Print PDF
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in the first round of the draft the packers chose a LT out of Iowa. No one expected Bryan Bulaga to drop that far and it was great to see Ted Thompson make the right choice and "pay for insurance" for Aaron Rodgers. In the second round they picked up a DE. They will hopefully use him as left end so Mike Evan, and Clay Matthews will both be bringing pressure from the blind side. and in the third round they picked up a DB, a SS with hands and the ability to hit like a truck, dont get me wrong its important to wrap up but Morgan Burnett is moving so fast and hits so hard half the time he doesn't even have the ability to wrap but im not saying he never wraps and he's great for goal line stops he doesn't care whats in his way he goes to the ball.And last and pretty much useless to the packer organization we picked a TE.